

Hiring Peter

Peter is available for private media shoots, pre-wedding/honeymoon photography and promotional work.

Requests for commissioned artwork in his studied genres or any combination of, are also welcomed. For purchase information on artwork seen on this website or prices for services, please contact him directly.

He will not co-ordinate with other professional photographers on photo shoots of the geisha, if you need photographs for your article you must hire Peter or chose from his portfolio of thousands of images.


Inside Japan: 090 5169 1654
Outside Japan: +81 905 169 1654


下京区寺町通五条上ル西橋詰町796番地 京栄第一ビル 4階401号室
401 Kyoei Daiich Bldg.
796 Nishi Hashizumi-cho
Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto
Japan 600- 80 29お

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